
Memory of Dr. David Raleigh Clark 

David is a very subtle teacher for me.

at least, in my student's life he's an unusual teacher.


today I want to his memorial ceremony...

that was warm and sadsorrowful, everbody who loves David was come

they talk a lot about Daivd's conduct and how kind is he.


yes, David is a good man and kind friend.


I still remember...

that day wasn't my day---final exam I overslept.

the test was started already !! and the approach time is over 30 minutes!!!

that means this class I need to repeat ...

that was a disaster !!!


but, Daivd said "OK!I let you test! don't worry!! "

in fact, David let me listen the tape twice.


that was he, kind and warm teacher.

he help you and kind to you.


now, he leave

but I think that he will be an angel in heaven.

God bless him...

Goodbye my lovely teacher.


thanks for Tj


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